Sunday 28 December 2014

Codes and conventions of interviews - Our post-filming update

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Update 9

We are now in the process of doing extra filming to make up for a few clips we filmed which we feel are not of a high enough quality to include in our documentary. We initially filmed the history of tattoo's on the Mac computers, which meant that the quality was fairly low. So, we decided to re-film the clips but on the second time filming books instead, as this meant the clips were of a much higher quality. We feel that re-doing these clips will improve our documentary, as we want every clip to be at the highest standard we can possibly achieve.

Monday 15 December 2014

Final Script

Voiceover Script Final Draft-

Tattoo or not tattoo? That is the question.
Tattoos are everywhere nowadays- it is an art form that has increased in popularity over recent years, with many celebrities and public figures sporting tattoos.
It’s a matter of personal preference- but how far does discrimination against body modification really go? 17 seconds
(Title Sequence) 6 seconds
(Vox Pops and Interviews) 18 seconds
The process of tattooing has been around for 5000 years created by accident through the use of dirt. However what makes this tradition so popular with the modern man of today?  How has such an ancient art form become a common and everyday occurrence?
One in five British adults have a tattoo, and the number rises to two in five American adults. This equals a total of 45 million Americans and counting everyday. With a shocking 36% of 18- 25 year olds and 40% of 26-40 year olds in the UK. 
We visited Solihull, West Midlands in order to find out the publics general view on the controversy of body modification.
(Vox Pops) 14 seconds
We targeted the effected age range of body modification talking to the student of Solihull Sixth Form College.
(Vox Pops) 14 seconds
Do people go to far with body modification or is that personal preference? Is being covered head to toe in tattoos acceptable?
We corresponded with well-known tattoo enthusiast Carl McCois, who proudly sports thirty tattoos of Miley Cyrus. He stated that it s a personal “choice’ and the individuals “responsible”. That “discrimination laws should only apply to those (who) have no control over how they look”.
Who are the people having tattoos? Who is actually affected by the discrimination seen towards body modification? We spoke to Principle of the sixth form, Paul Ashdown, on his policy of discrimination and expert of media Richard.  
(Interviews) 25 seconds
With 70% of women and 30% of men sporting tattoos in the UK its proves its ever growing along with the ever growing issue of discrimination due to this.
(Vox Pops) 1 minute 21 seconds
Stories are constantly published within media highlighting discrimination stories seen due to tattoos and body modification. But does anything change for the way we view people after these stories or do we just pass them aside? 14 seconds
(Interview) 25 seconds
People are joining forces sharing their stories of discrimination online and in the media.
(vox pops) 10 seconds
Is discrimination at all fair?
(interview) 14 seconds

Only you can decide whether your body modification will affect your life? Is this a real issue within society or do these people choose to be discriminated against? Only you decided what’s under your skin.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Update 8

We have been spending the past few lessons logging, organising and separating our shots. We have selected the clips we feel appropriate for our documentary and separated these from the clips that we will not be including in the documentary due to issues such as faults in the camera angles and problems with sound. With the clips, we have been completing activities such as cutting the best parts of long clips, and arranged them into the order of the story board.

In the next few lessons, our plan is to:

  • Take some pictures of where we filmed our footage. We got this idea after peer-reviewing the other students blogs; we noticed that our peers blog had pictures of where they filmed and we thought this was a really useful idea, so intend to use this for our blog too.
  • Record the voiceover of our script, import it onto the computers and cut the voiceover into desired sections of the documentary.
  • Add some effects to our clips, e.g. fade in and out, as currently we just have clips one after another with no effect. We intend to add transitions from one clip to another to make the transition appear more smooth.
  • Finalize our choice of music for the background of the documentary, and add this to selected clips. After we have done this, we will need to adjust the sound levels of the voice over and music.

Friday 5 December 2014

Log Sheets

Story Boards

We completed storyboards writing out a draft sketch of the shot and brief detail to the music or voiceover, description of shot and length of time. This as a group allows us to plan the documentary together. It allows ideas to be shared and experimented with. It also means as a group we know the direction the documentary is heading in and allows us to write a scrip to coincide. These are a basic idea of the documentary however during the editing its likely to change. 

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