Wednesday 10 December 2014

Update 8

We have been spending the past few lessons logging, organising and separating our shots. We have selected the clips we feel appropriate for our documentary and separated these from the clips that we will not be including in the documentary due to issues such as faults in the camera angles and problems with sound. With the clips, we have been completing activities such as cutting the best parts of long clips, and arranged them into the order of the story board.

In the next few lessons, our plan is to:

  • Take some pictures of where we filmed our footage. We got this idea after peer-reviewing the other students blogs; we noticed that our peers blog had pictures of where they filmed and we thought this was a really useful idea, so intend to use this for our blog too.
  • Record the voiceover of our script, import it onto the computers and cut the voiceover into desired sections of the documentary.
  • Add some effects to our clips, e.g. fade in and out, as currently we just have clips one after another with no effect. We intend to add transitions from one clip to another to make the transition appear more smooth.
  • Finalize our choice of music for the background of the documentary, and add this to selected clips. After we have done this, we will need to adjust the sound levels of the voice over and music.


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