Thursday 5 February 2015

Magazine Photo Ideas

 These are the photos we screen captured from our documentary. We wanted the most striking and interesting images for our magazine and ones that told the genre of our documentary clearly. 
This image is from the intro of our documentary. It includes the name of the documentary, which implements this into the audience- making it more rememberable. 
We chose this image because it clearly shows the sheer numbers of people affected/wanting tattoo acceptance in the workplace -2.1 million people have liked this page on Facebook. 
We screen captured this frame from a vox pop of an interview with someone who has been affected by discrimination of his tattoos in the work place. We wanted this image because we felt that through the mise-en-scene it gave a clear impression the genre of documentary we were giving. The tattoos on the man, his very alternative dress sense and a video of someone getting tattooed the foreground.

We screen captured this image to use as either a background or an overlay of an image as we felt that it would tell the audience the main reason behind our documentary.


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