Monday 26 January 2015

Update 12

The last few lessons we have been analysing over previous radio trailers and gaining an idea of what is stereotypical. This has allowed us to draw conclusions from are findings in order to begin creating our radio trailer of which we will be doing of the course of the next few lessons. 

Sunday 25 January 2015

Documentary Promotion: Channel & Radio Station

Saturday 24 January 2015

Update 11: Radio trailer script

We have began to plan our radio trailer script which is drafted as follows:

“Quote on discrimination” “Quote on discrimination” “Quote on discrimination” (quickly one after another)
Critics are calling it “incredible”, “eye-opening” and “a new insight into the prejudices of today’s society.” A new documentary into the stereotypes associated with body modification is grabbing the attention of just about everybody. Under my skin comes to your screens this Friday, Channel 4, 10pm.

We are also finishing the editing process of our documentary.

Friday 23 January 2015

Codes and conventions for our radio trailer

Plan for our radio trailer

The codes and conventions for a radio trailer, which we have observed from listening to previous radio trailer produced, are as follows:
  • ·     The typical length of a radio trailer is approximately 30 to 40 seconds long. This is so that only focused, relevant information is included which conveys the overall message of the documentary and keeps the listeners interested.
  • ·     The use of voiceover is to inform and entertain the listener. This also establishes the main tone of the documentary.
  • ·     The music is kept at a steady pace, which is not too loud so it doesn’t distract from the voiceover. The music is also used for dramatic effect, and adding musicality to the trailer.
  • ·     The addition of facts which highlight the main message of the documentary, informing the listener of the documentary purpose.
  • ·     Documentary extracts such as interviews from vox pops and experts, only used for a few seconds to give an insight of what the documentary involves and the type of people involved, and their different contrasting opinions.  

Radio trailer analysis 3

Trailer for (station/channel)
Facebook, BBC3
Target audience
Young adults
Tone of voice?
Authoritative male voice which dominates the loud music.
Sound effects
There is not as many sound effects as the previous documentary however this works effectively as it means there is no distraction from the overall message.
Wildtrack/ambient sound?
No background noise aside from the music.
Use of music
The background music is fast paced electronically produced music which is appropriate considering this is a documentary highlighting Facebook used on an electronic device.
How many tracks?
Sound levels?
 The interview with the expert is very quiet and the music definitely is louder. We plan to avoid this issue as the music distracts from the important message of the speaker.
Around 40 seconds
Other notes/conventions
The voiceover speaks to the audience directly, using pronouns such as “you” which means the audience is targeted and so this grabs the audiences attention effectively.
How this will influence our radio trailer
Music is representative of the topic and therefore we have decided we will aim to use a similar concept and relate our music to the topic.  

Radio trailer analysis 2

Radio Trailer Analysis

Trailer for (station/channel)
The EMA scandal, Radio 1.
Target audience
Young adults
Tone of voice?
Mellow female voice to perhaps represent the serious issues of the documentary rather than to be enthusiastic of the issue
Sound effects
Sound representing switching a device on and off. Also the sound of “Radio 1” introduction (3, 2 1 Radio 1). Voice is echoed at the end which makes the message more memorable.
Wildtrack/ambient sound?
Electronic music playing in background
Use of music
Quiet fast paced music.
How many tracks?
Sound levels?
The voiceover is the main focus, which is aided by the fact that the music is very quiet and not distracting of the overall message. We prefer this approach to the previous radio trailer as it means the audience can fully listen and understand the message being said.
30 seconds
Other notes/conventions
Fast paced, quick cutting clips of interview voices from one to the other. The straight cut means it sounds very professional and means there is no wasted time space.
How this will influence our radio trailer
The clarity of the voice over which is influenced by the music being quiet and not distracting makes this a very successful radio trailer. Well constructed, well structured use of important quotes from the documentary are very successful in highlightlighting the overall message of the documentary.

Radio trailer analysis 1

Radio Trailer Analysis

Trailer for (station/channel)
History of new media technology
Target audience
Young adults
Tone of voice?
Enthusiastic female voice
Sound effects
Sound resembling switching on a device at the beginning and switching off a device at the end. Appropriate considering the topic of mobile phones. Also sounds similar to a round of news, and so this produces an interesting, up beat interesting trailer
Wildtrack/ambient sound?
Electronic music playing in background
Use of music
Upbeat, fast paced music
How many tracks?
Sound levels?
The voiceover is the main focus, however the music is as loud as the voices. The music however could be slightly too loud, as it distracts from the quieter sound of the voice from the expert interview. Therefore we will aim for our music to be at a lower sound level than the voiceover and not be a sound too distracting from the overall message.
30 seconds
Other notes/conventions
The mixture of both voice over and voices from interviews are interesting and highlight the opinions of the public and the message the documentary is trying to portray.
How this will influence our radio trailer
The  voice over is loud and clear which we must also employ in our radio trailer. Another addition is the upbeat, fast paced music which we are considering to use in our documentary as it captures the audiences attention quickly.

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