Friday 23 January 2015

Radio trailer analysis 1

Radio Trailer Analysis

Trailer for (station/channel)
History of new media technology
Target audience
Young adults
Tone of voice?
Enthusiastic female voice
Sound effects
Sound resembling switching on a device at the beginning and switching off a device at the end. Appropriate considering the topic of mobile phones. Also sounds similar to a round of news, and so this produces an interesting, up beat interesting trailer
Wildtrack/ambient sound?
Electronic music playing in background
Use of music
Upbeat, fast paced music
How many tracks?
Sound levels?
The voiceover is the main focus, however the music is as loud as the voices. The music however could be slightly too loud, as it distracts from the quieter sound of the voice from the expert interview. Therefore we will aim for our music to be at a lower sound level than the voiceover and not be a sound too distracting from the overall message.
30 seconds
Other notes/conventions
The mixture of both voice over and voices from interviews are interesting and highlight the opinions of the public and the message the documentary is trying to portray.
How this will influence our radio trailer
The  voice over is loud and clear which we must also employ in our radio trailer. Another addition is the upbeat, fast paced music which we are considering to use in our documentary as it captures the audiences attention quickly.


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