Friday 23 January 2015

Radio trailer analysis 3

Trailer for (station/channel)
Facebook, BBC3
Target audience
Young adults
Tone of voice?
Authoritative male voice which dominates the loud music.
Sound effects
There is not as many sound effects as the previous documentary however this works effectively as it means there is no distraction from the overall message.
Wildtrack/ambient sound?
No background noise aside from the music.
Use of music
The background music is fast paced electronically produced music which is appropriate considering this is a documentary highlighting Facebook used on an electronic device.
How many tracks?
Sound levels?
 The interview with the expert is very quiet and the music definitely is louder. We plan to avoid this issue as the music distracts from the important message of the speaker.
Around 40 seconds
Other notes/conventions
The voiceover speaks to the audience directly, using pronouns such as “you” which means the audience is targeted and so this grabs the audiences attention effectively.
How this will influence our radio trailer
Music is representative of the topic and therefore we have decided we will aim to use a similar concept and relate our music to the topic.  


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